
29. Ott 2024
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’22
Proceedings_ECPLF2022 Conference
posted by Editor

29. Lug 2021
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’19
Proceedings_ECPLF 2019 Conference
posted by Editor

29. Lug 2021
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’17 Conference
Proceedings_ECPLF 2017 Conference
posted by Editor

29. Lug 2021
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’15 Conference
Proceedings_ECPLF 2015 Conference
posted by Editor

29. Lug 2021
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’13 Conference
Proceedings_ECPLF 2013 Conference
posted by Editor

29. Lug 2021
Proceedings of the Precision Livestock Farming ’11 Conference
Proceedings_ECPLF 2011 Conference
posted by Editor

19. Gen 2018
New PLF patent
New PLF patent: System and Method for Real-Time Imaging of Body Composition Traits of Food Animals. DE Wilson, VR Amin – US Patent 20,170,354,123, 2017. A system and method for scanning a pig (or other food animal) to determine body composition and quality data in real time while the pig (or food animal) is suspended in mid-air by a lift apron in electronic communication with an ultrasound console and computer processor and configured to collect and process “target images” from the pig (or food animal) when a thumb switch activates the processor. The ultrasound probe is vertically displaced from and vertically adjustable relative to the framework so that the ultrasound probe is selectively positioned in relative space. With reference to target images, a processor calculates in real time a quantitative measurement indicative of backfat depth, muscle depth, and intramuscular fat for the pig (or food animal) being scanned. Edinson Volquez Womens Jersey
posted by EA-PLF

19. Gen 2018
New PLF publication by Hebei Agricultural University
New PLF publication by Hebei Agricultural University (China): Intelligent Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things J Tang, T Dong, L Li, L Shao – Wireless Personal Communications, 2018 Abstract In order to better apply the intelligent environment quality monitoring system based on Internet of things to indoor environment monitoring, sensor technology, computer technology, wireless communication and the Internet are combined through the Internet and sensors. With the Internet of things technology, a monitoring system based on Internet of things and networking is established to provide remote indoor environment information monitoring service for users. Taking ZigBee as the core to build the system, real time acquisition and monitoring for indoor temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, light intensity and other environmental information are realized by using relevant sensors. In system design, serial port is taken as the main channel for information exchange between ZigBee chip and ARM development board. The ARM processor connects the information to the Internet, and users can check the information collected by the system through the internet. The design of the system adopts the method with simplified design, which narrows the system structure. The different hardware composition is replaced according to different functional requirements. Therefore, the […]
posted by EA-PLF

19. Gen 2018
New PLF publication by Georg-August Universit
New PLF publication by Georg-August Universit (Germany: Using Acceleration Data to Automatically Detect the Onset of Farrowing in Sows, I Traulsen, C Scheel, W Auer, O Burfeind, J Krieter – Sensors, 2018 Abstract The aim of the present study was to automatically predict the onset of farrowing in crate-confined sows. (1) Background: Automatic tools are appropriate to support animal surveillance under practical farming conditions. (2) Methods: In three batches, sows in one farrowing compartment of the Futterkamp research farm were equipped with an ear sensor to sample acceleration. As a reference video, recordings of the sows were used. A classical CUSUM chart using different acceleration indices of various distribution characteristics with several scenarios were compared. (3) Results: The increase of activity mainly due to nest building behavior before the onset of farrowing could be detected with the sow individual CUSUM chart. The best performance required a statistical distribution characteristic that represented fluctuations in the signal (for example, 1st variation) combined with a transformation of this parameter by cumulating differences in the signal within certain time periods from one day to another. With this transformed signal, farrowing sows could reliably be detected. For 100% or 85% of the sows, an alarm […]
posted by EA-PLF

19. Gen 2018
A review on the use of electric devices to modify animal behaviour and the impact on animal welfare
Opinion of the Panel on Animal health and welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment: A review on the use of electric devices to modify animal behaviour and the impact on animal welfare. Background: Animals have a strong aversion to electric shocks. Various types of electric equipment are used to modify the behaviour of animals by subjecting them to electric shocks. Outdoor electric fences are common among grazing animals in Norway and many other countries. The use of devices such as cow trainers in tie-stalls, electric goads in slaughter plants, and electric collars to teach dogs not to chase livestock, is regulated. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) is currently evaluating a virtual fence system, which delivers an electric shock if the animal crosses a defined boundary. As electric shocks are experienced as unpleasant or even painful, animals will try to avoid it. The intension of delivering such an aversive stimulus is to teach it how to avoid getting shocked again. In other words, the animal must to be able to associate the aversion with its own behaviour in order to avoid it. Predictability and controllability are two import factors, which determine how well an animal […]
posted by EA-PLF